The Potter’s Wheel by HLC – 1939

The Potter’s Wheel – Homer Laughlin Co. – 1939 World’s Fair

With the upcoming Fiesta Tent Sale this weekend in Flatwoods, WV it seemed a good time to focus on my favorite piece of Homer Laughlin China. While a fan of Fiesta, (the modern lady and I have a relatively large collection of early pieces in red, cobalt, yellow and light green with a few pieces of the 1950’s chartreuse) I don’t collect any of the current color line.

The highlight of my Homer Laughlin collection is a commemorative plate made during the 1939 World’s Fair at The Joint Exhibit of Capital and Labor. HLC and several other pottery companies built a demonstration kiln for the exhibit and produced these great plates. The National Brotherhood of Operative Potters Union manned the exhibit. Glazed in the Fiesta light blue, this plate features a medieval potter at the potter’s wheel. All pieces were marked on the back as shown here:

The history of items intrigues me as much as the item itself sometimes and this is certainly the case with The Potter’s Wheel plate. There were a few other designs of plates made, all around the same theme, but this is the only one I currently have.  As I find others I’ll share them here.


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