Painting & Plumbing & Carpet – Oh My!

Renovations and preparations for the new location of The Purple Moon are moving ahead at a rapid pace. We’ve spent every spare moment the past two weeks working on the space and there is beginnnig to be light at the end of the tunnel on the renovation stage.

Weather permitting, the facade of the building will transform this weekend. All in all, we are ahead of schedule at this point.

I must say that Lowe’s and the local hardware and paint stores have become my new haunts. I sit here this morning typing this post and drinking my coffee knowing that it is the last thing I’ll do today that doesn’t cost a significant amount of money.

I’ve taken plenty of “before” photos and will post the “before and afters” as the renovations are complete.

For right now though, I’m going to finish my coffee and contemplate my next plumbing adventure.

Oh, how I hate plumbing.


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